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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 06/16/04
JUNE 16, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, (Absent: Jon LeClair)

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Jon LeClair was not present because he was attending his daughter’s graduation.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of June 2, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Solid Waste Facility:  Robert Davis reported that the old scale house was moved next to the recycling building.  The slab was poured for the new building today; there should be some wood on it by Friday and all of the utilities are ready.  The contract from the Mount Carberry Landfill was received and the Selectboard signed it so it is ready to go back to them for an effective date.  Bob Davis made a trip to Maine this morning with shingles.  The summer schedule is pretty much on schedule.  Steve Neill noted that there was a joint inspection by the Loss Prevention/Safety Committee today on the Solid Waste Facility and the old Town Hall Building.  There are just a few minor things that need to be addressed at the Solid Waste Facility.  Brenda Ferland noticed that there have been violations by the burn pit and wondered if larger signs should be erected.  Bob Davis said they make a sweep through there about every hour but even with the signs people put items in the burn pile that should not be put there.  The last two State inspections were okay. Brenda Ferland recommended that they put an insert about the burn pit in the notices that are distributed to put more emphasis on the types of acceptable material.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that they are still working on the South Hemlock Road project.  The excavator went back but before it did they spent a day working on the Old Cheshire Turnpike and widened it about six feet; more can be taken out in the future.  Steve Neill felt it is in pretty good shape.  Some miscellaneous work was done on the Unity Stage Road and Calavant Hill Road.

Keith Weed obtained three written and one verbal new quotes for gravel crushing.  The lowest bid is $3.00/yard from United Construction.  Steve Neill and Brenda Ferland agreed to sign the purchase order.

Keith Weed reviewed the applications received for a full time, temporary position for a Highway Maintainer/Laborer and was prepared to make a recommendation to the Selectboard.  Brenda Ferland wanted to see the one application that he is considering.  Keith Weed will get the Selectboard approval for the hire and hourly wage.                  

Brenda Ferland asked how the new summer hours are working out?  Keith Weed responded that they are okay and there have been no problems.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported on the Clay Brook Pump Station as they lost the main motor that was in there since 1983; due to the age it wasn’t energy efficient.  They had to buy a new drive shaft but had another motor that was bought as a back-up in that same year so it won’t last very long.  A purchase order is in for a new energy efficient motor that will be put on the shelf for about six to eight months at which time he will begin to use the new motor and put the old one back on the shelf for back-up.  Steve Neill advised that the purchase order has the necessary signatures.

Two new hydrants were installed on East Street and the Old Claremont Road.  A third one will be installed on the west side of Town.  On Monday they will move into the Transfer Station to start the water line.  

Dave Duquette advised that ever since the accident about a month ago at the Stevens Street Pump Station there have been problems.  He isn’t sure what is causing the problems but suggested bringing in an electrician to check everything out.  

Dave Edkins said the letter went out to Provan and Lorber about a week ago; he will talk to Attorney Adele Fulton tomorrow to ask her to move forward on the various issues to be addressed as discussed at the previous meeting.

Dave Duquette obtained two bids on the Morrison driveway that were close amounts.  He questioned whether the Selectboard would prefer to have the Town do the repairs or allow Mr. Morrison to hire his own contractor for the job and have the Town reimburse him.  Steve Neill and Brenda Ferland approved having Mr. Morrison hire his own contractor and be reimbursed by the Town.  The payment will be taken out of the grant fund, as it is a part of the project.

Steve Neill advised that one of the owners on the Stevens Street water line has requested that before the water is turned back on they be notified so they can open up their faucets.  If not home, they would like the department to open up the outside faucets.

Police Department:  Chief Smith reported that the new cruiser is striped, the lights are installed and it is in service.  He has an issue with signage at Patch Park and his ability to enforce the no dog policy in the absence of a formal Ordinance.  Steve Neill advised that a policy was voted on by the Selectboard and there should be a copy in the office.  Brenda Ferland had a list of 115 dogs that were not registered with the Town Clerk; she emphasized that if one has a dog it must be registered.  

Mr. Edkins noted that there is a red van with Vermont plates that has been parked by the fire station for a number of days.  Chief Smith will check on it.

Loss Prevention Committee:  Dave Duquette advised that the Loss Prevention Committee is inspecting all of the buildings owned by the Town.  They met today and did inspections on the old Town Hall and Transfer Station.  Bob Rivard wrote a letter to the Selectboard as they ran into quite a few issues in the basement in the Town Hall.  He decided that it wasn’t operational and wants it locked up.  In the basement there is asbestos pipe that is damp and moldy and there are issues with the electrical, egress and storage of miscellaneous items.  The asbestos pipe and fittings are sitting there and can be removed.  Steve Neill felt that the Town would need to get some bids on the removal of the asbestos from the appropriate people.  Bob Davis said the Mt. Carberry Landfill would accept asbestos after it has been properly bagged, etc.  DES will provide a list of the local licensed contractors that can do the job; Dave Edkins will follow-up on this.  Dave Edkins will notify the various department heads to have them remove their items by a specific date; this will be followed by a work detail to clean it up.  

Dave Duquette noted that the big problem is that the food shelf can’t be down there.   This is due to the above-mentioned problems, in terms of safety for the public and liability to the Town.  Sara and Fred Barth run the food shelf; Mary Lou Huffling from Alstead is the director of the food shelf.  Steve Neill said this information came to the Selectboard about 5:00 PM today.  The Town buildings are bulging at the seams so the Selectboard is sympathetic but isn’t sure how to assist the food shelf in locating other space.  Pat Royce called the Senior Center to see if they could accommodate them at least on a temporary basis.  Sara Barth said closing the food shelf would make it very difficult for a lot of senior citizens and other people in Town.  Damien Fisher, reporter for the Eagle Times, was asked to get the word out about the food shelf needing space.  After the space is locked-up by the Police tomorrow morning, the food shelf volunteers can gain access by contacting the Police Department.  When they are ready to move the refrigerators and freezers, there was a consensus of the Selectboard that Keith Weed and Ron LeClair can assist especially in terms of providing a truck.  Jennifer Forbus said there are a lot of bicycles there and asked if they can be donated to the food shelf to raise money.  Chief Smith advised that they are stolen property or impounds but he will put in a motion to Superior Court to try to dispose of them.  Steve Neill asked Chief Smith to let them know how they can, if possible, donate the bicycles to the food shelf.

FINANCE ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved by the Selectboard:  1) Office -Competitive Computers $360.00; 2) Police -Parks Associates- training seminar program $318.00; 3) Water -Wayne Christianson $1,416.50; 4) Office -Competitive Computers $600.00 for a service contract; and 5) Water -Wayne Christianson $2,088.00.

Abatement:  The Selectboard approved and signed one Water and Sewer Abatement for an incorrect billing in the amount of $335.00.  

The Selectboard approved and signed a Water Abatement in the amount of $95.00, as the water was never used because the unit was destroyed.

Notice of Intent to Cut Wood:  A Notice of Intent to Cut Wood was signed by the Selectboard but Steve Neill requested that before it goes out it needs to be completed as some information is missing.

Regional Planning Commission:  Jim McClammer has been serving on the Regional Planning Commission for four years but his term has expired.  He would like to be reappointed by the Selectboard and continue to serve Charlestown.  The annual meeting is being held tonight in Cornish at St. Gaudens and he is going to be nominated for a position.  Brenda Ferland advised that the Selectboard had other requests from residents for appointments and she feels that this Board has to take Charlestown’s best interests at heart and they feel that people appointed need to do the same.  Steve Neill was on the Selectboard when Mr. McClammer was appointed previously and he did not support his appointment at that time but two other members of the Board did; he can’t support the appointment now.  Jim McClammer encouraged the Board to find somebody as it is an important position.

Silsby Library:  A letter was received from Sandra Perron, Librarian, requesting the Selectboard set up a date and time to meet with her about the budget for repair funds that were allocated for this facility.  There was $20,000 allocated for the repair and maintenance of this building.  Bob Rivard indicated that the front steps are deteriorating and need to be addressed soon.  Dave Edkins said that is specialty work.  He has a list of proposed projects that was put together at budget time but it was not prioritized; copies will be put in the Selectboard file.  Dave Edkins feels that the Town needs to keep some of the money for emergency repairs that might come up.

Conservation Commission -Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair was not present to provide a report.

CEDA -Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that CEDA met last Monday night but she didn’t make the hike.  Dave Edkins attended the meeting, which consisted of a walking tour of the Gristmill property on Fling Road across from the Transfer Station.  They looked at the St. Pierre quarry operation on the upper level and then looked at the lower part.  They have cleared some building lots as a marketing tool.

Solid Waste Committee -Jon LeClair:  Robert Davis advised that there were no meetings.

Heritage Committee - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the next meeting was postponed indefinitely.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill said the Planning Board met last night.  They discussed a preliminary consultation of a three-lot subdivision off the Acworth Road.  Dave Edkins talked about progress on the Master Plan and the Community Goals Workshop.

Horizon Engineering:  Steve LaFrance, now of Horizons Engineering, addressed the Board explaining that he was formerly an engineer at Provan and Lorber and wanted to make contact with the Selectboard.  He left Provan and Lorber after about fifteen years.  His new firm, Horizons Engineering is now up to twelve full time and some part time employees.  He realized that his departure from Provan & Lorber posed problems for some long-term clients like Charlestown.  Mike Duffy came to work for him and they value the Town of Charlestown as clients.  They will do whatever they can to help the Town with existing projects and would like to continue to work with them on future projects.  Steve Neill thanked Mike Duffy for his offer to assist in closing out the current sewer project, as he knows the history of the project and local issues.  The Town has some loose ends with Provan & Lorber and is trying to work them out.  Steve LaFrance summarized the projects, saying that they are interested in working with the Town and want to see the projects get completed.  They do not like to leave projects unfinished.  

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II

Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:34 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                                   Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the July 7th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)